392 Old Schuylerville Road
Greenwich, NY 12834
How to Get Involved
in the Washington County Fair
Join us at our Monthly Fair Board Meetings - on the Second Wednesday of every month at 7:30 pm
Join a Committee (there are currently 33)
Click here for the list of Committees ​
Become a Member of the Fair Association
If you are interested in joining the Fair Association - submit your name for consideration to the Fair Office and pay the yearly dues.
Members of the Association must be residents of Washington County, NY
​New member candidates are voted in at the November meeting each year and retain membership by paying dues prior to the yearly annual meeting ​
Dues are $5.00 per year
Become a Volunteer - the jobs and areas where help is needed are endless​! ​
Learn the ins and outs of the year-round operation and future plans by doing some of the above
Keep Up to Date on all things Happening
Checking our Official Social Media Accounts